Current Teams
Jason & Dan

Jason and Dan are a team that came to us from a friend who was selling their farm. They are an experienced team and fit in well with the work that we do. Watch for them in local events.

Bart is a black Percheron gelding, who is Bert's younger brother. He matches very well but he has a white strip instead of a star.

Future Teams
Thunder And Ice
Thunder and Ice are a pair of young Belgians that are just coming along with their drive training. Hopefully they will be out at some of our simpler venues soon.

Rain & Shine
Rain & Shine are another young pair of Belgians that we are working with. The long term goal is to have the 4 horses interchangeable and able to attend any of our venues. Everyone must have a goal, right?

Past Horses
Jay & Demo

Jay and Demo were our very first team of horses. They were a team of grey Percherons and great teachers. Unfortunately Demo died, much too young, of colic and as Jay was going blind in one eye we decided not to find him a new team mate but placed him in a loving local home.
Sonny & Cruiser
Sonny & Cruiser were our second team, they were a very large team of Belgians. They were a team in a million and we did many, many events with them and they were always a crowd favourite. Due to circumstances beyond our control we found them another good working home. We miss them very much.

Bert was a black Percheron gelding who came to us with his brother Bart. They worked so well as a team and did many venues with us, meeting and greeting the crowds at various rides. Sadly he passed away way too young.